result count: 4

SC_WORKSKILL_122407Are you trying to tell me you have good abilities? If not, please be kind and take your ugly outfit and yourself out of my sight!
Sys122407_nameMilles Jone
Sys122407_szquestnpctext[SC_WORKSKILL_122407|Are you trying to tell me you have good abilities? If not, please be kind and take your ugly outfit and yourself out of my sight!]\n\n(|cff007f00Legend|r The upper limit of your tailoring skill will be increased to 100. [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_04|You can have maximal |cffff00001|r |cff007f00Legend tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skill|r])
Sys122407_titlenameLegend Tailoring Instructor