result count: 6

Sys420169_nameDigger's Summoning
Sys420169_shortnoteHelp Digger to call back "Alfred" from the [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest].
Sys420169_szquest_accept_detailI was practicing some of the summoning techniques I've secretly learned. I was trying to call a bird, just for fun. But I don't know which part of the spell I did wrong, but I accidentally summoned a strange creature instead...\n\nIt grew up in a split second, had two wings and looked very odd. I was trying to figure out what kind of animal it was when it flew out of my hands. It flew towards [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest], quickly leaving my sight. Please find it for me as quickly as you can...\n\nIf something happens that I can't fix, the shaman will certainly punish me. Then I will never be promoted to shaman... You can see, I am in big trouble! \n\nI have a [200700|Control Rune Seal] here. If you see it, just read the spell silently towards it, and it will become trapped in the rune seal! But remember, you can't be seen before you read the spell. Otherwise, it will run away!
Sys420169_szquest_complete_detailOh! Thank the gods!\n\nI'll be able to sleep tonight, not having to worry about how my master would punish me.
Sys420169_szquest_descHelp [110046|Digger] of the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"] by heading to [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] and summoning [100225|Alfred].
Sys420169_szquest_uncomplete_detailI trust you will be able to do this. Please!