result count: 7

SC_420929_0(Ask about the pirate shot and killed by the receiver.)
SC_420929_1Shot and killed...oh! You mean that trash I've sent to follow the tracks?\n\nI don't remember...ah! I see! I told some people to throw them into the sea, but it seems some of them weren't eaten by Lakosos.\n\nJust beside that big ship. There are three ships, don't tell me you can't find them.
Sys420929_nameReceiver's Arrow
Sys420929_szquest_accept_detailYou say that the "Receiver" also used a bow and arrow? Strange, since when did so many people use bows and arrows? The [112571|Vagrant] was also shot by an arrow...\n\nI think we should inspect the "Receiver's" arrows. Maybe he used our arrowheads! ([112573|Biang Fenren] laughs bitterly.)\n\nAre the dead people all pirates? Should it be that the black market merchant, [112572|Tankaja Anshing], disposed of the bodies...?
Sys420929_szquest_complete_detailObviously... This is not one of our arrows. (He raises an eyebrow.) The color on this looks like Stinkleaf Blood...\n\nCoincidence? More Stinkleaf Blood...perhaps...
Sys420929_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Fishmouth Bay], find the black market merchant, [112572|Tankaja Anshing], and get the "Receiver's" arrow.
Sys420929_szquest_uncomplete_detailShould it be that the black market merchant disposed of the bodies?