result count: 5

Sys421240_nameKelvin's Strategy
Sys421240_szquest_accept_detail[111209|Joseph Kota] is so naive!\n\nJust as you have seen, there is no extinguishing these gnolls. All we can do is scare them off!\n\nOne good idea is to warn them by using their own eyeballs!\n\nGo kill some gnolls until you have 20 of their eyeballs. Then I'll string them together with one of their spears and stick it in the center of their camp.\n\nWhen the gnolls see those eyeballs, they would surely not dare approach us again! Don't you think this would be the smartest strategy?
Sys421240_szquest_complete_detailGreat... Now I'll stick this into the center of their camp.
Sys421240_szquest_descKill some gnolls until you have 20 [<S>202409|Gnoll Eyeballs]. Bring them to [111208|Kelvin Kota].
Sys421240_szquest_uncomplete_detailDig out some [<S>202409|Gnoll Eyeballs]! I am trembling just thinking of it... I just can't do that!\n\nIt is so scary... just too scary...