result count: 5

Sys421320_nameOld Man in the Snow
Sys421320_szquest_accept_detailAh! Ah! Ah! Don't touch me! Even though I don't know who you are...please, don't touch me...\n\n(You nod to the old hunter, thinking that you will just leave this place now.)\n\nHm...where are you going now? I may have told you not to touch me, but I certainly didn't tell you to ignore is it that the young people these days are all SO uncaring when it comes to the elderly...?\n(You start to feel a bit angry and prepare to leave this ridiculous old man to himself.)\n\nHm...uh...okay. I...I...I am sorry...I didn't mean to be like that; I was just a bit nervous If you only knew what I am lying on, I think you would definitely be more nervous than I. Regardless, though, I still think you can probably help me. Could you, please??? This is a matter of life and death...I can't exactly explain it right now...but in short, I really need you to return to the little camp at [ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass], grab my [202522|Trap Toolbox], and bring it back here! Please! I really don't want to lie here in the snow for the rest of my life...
Sys421320_szquest_complete_detailYou've finally brought it! Now I can...I can...\n\n([111291|Layren] takes the tool in his hand, attempting to reach around behind his back with it.)\n\nOh my! This is bad... I can't at all see which strand I should cut...
Sys421320_szquest_descHelp Old [111291|Layren] the Hunter get the [202522|Trap Toolbox] from the little camp at [ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass].
Sys421320_szquest_uncomplete_detail([111291|Layren] stares at you intensely.)\nWhat are you waiting for? Me to turn into a popsicle?