result count: 5

Sys421321_nameLayren Bomb
Sys421321_szquest_accept_detail([111291|Layren] seems to be in despair.)\nOh,'s...oh, I've become so I expected, it's no use...oh, I never thought I would let myself suddenly fall into such a frightful depressing...\n\nActually, as you may have guessed, the thing upon which I'm lying is very dangerous. I call this the [202527|Layren Bomb]; I developed it using a bunch of natural plant parts. It's a very powerful trap...I've already used it to defeat I don't know how many monsters. But perhaps this is some sort of fateful retribution...because I have now been trapped by it myself...\n\nNo matter what happens, I have already promised my old friends that I would use the [202527|Layren Bomb] technology as an important means of leaving Dragonfang Ridge, so I complete to finish my mission...but, right now, I have no way of freeing myself and leaving, so I can only ask let me tell you all the materials that are necessary to construct a [202527|Layren Bomb]. Please, gather them for me, and bring them here! First, please go to the shadowy area by the roots of [ZONE_LOMGART|Lomgart] and gather 17 [<s>202523] for me...we can make tough fuses out of those.
Sys421321_szquest_complete_detailIt's really hard, isn't it? Of course...otherwise, why do you think it would be called [202523|Iron Moss]?
Sys421321_szquest_descHelp Old [111291|Layren] the Hunter gather 17 [<s>202523] from the area near [ZONE_LOMGART|Lomgart].
Sys421321_szquest_uncomplete_detailIron Moss is a plant that doesn't like light. If you can't find it under tree roots, go to the foothills or look in the shadows of other trees!