result count: 5

Sys421500_nameThe Implied Confession
Sys421500_szquest_accept_detailJunior Treasurehunt Squad Member No. 7, I need help with a little something... but you must keep it a secret!\n\nYou know [111496|Yan Heymal], the beautiful Capra in the cave? I've been harboring a secret crush on her for the longest time... ([111494|Yanchina Honneur] blushes.)\n\nI want to give her something pretty, like a Feathered Crown! So please help me obtain 12 [<S>203120|Ostrich Feathers] from [100787|Red Feather Ostrich].\n\nI have to be at [111493|Mimi Boul's] side at all times, otherwise she'll just start crying again...
Sys421500_szquest_complete_detailSuch beautiful feathers! I'm gonna start making that crown right away!\n\nThank you, Junior Treasurehunt Squad Member No. 7.
Sys421500_szquest_descObtain 12 [<S>203120|Ostrich Feathers] from [<S>100787|Red Feather Ostriches] in [ZONE_MISTVASS|Mispel Marsh] for [111494|Yanchina Honneur].
Sys421500_szquest_uncomplete_detailWill [111496|Yan Heymal] understand my feelings for her if I do this?