result count: 6

SC_421537_01You hear a low rumble. It sounds like the water dragon, Zanordoth, has calmed down...
Sys421537_nameWater Dragon - Zanordoth
Sys421537_szquest_accept_detailAfter visiting all those places in [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains], don't you agree that this place is magnificent in its beauty?! Every tree and flower is filled with life. Each one a creation of God! But, while you were away at the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave], I sensed an abnormality in the water from [ZONE_MOONSPRING HOLLOW|Moongorge]. I fear that there is something wrong with the ancient water dragon.\n\nWho is this water dragon?\n\nZanordoth, the ancient water dragon, has lived in [ZONE_MOONSPRING HOLLOW|Moongorge] since a long long time ago. But lately he has been out wandering outside of where he lives. I think he is worried about his son again.\n\nJust take my headdress, doll and necklace to [ZONE_MOONSPRING HOLLOW|Moongorge] and place them in the pool just above the entrance to the cave. Zanordoth will be happy that [111622|Lola] cares for him and will worry less about his son.\n\n(Click on the water ripples to throw the items into the water.)
Sys421537_szquest_complete_detailThat should have made Zanordoth feel better...\n\nIf not [111622|Lola] will go and sing for him again. I've learned lots of good songs from Uncle [111352|Bardy Woods].
Sys421537_szquest_descTake [203354|Lola's Flower Headdress], [203357|Lola's Doll], and [203368|Lola's Necklace] and place them in the pool of water just above the entrance to the cave in [ZONE_MOONSPRING HOLLOW|Moongorge]. This will let Zanordoth know that [111622|Lola] cares and make him feel better.
Sys421537_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow do I know Zanordoth? He loves kids ! Before he started going on lots of trips, I would often go and play with him in his cave.