result count: 9

SC_421540_1What is the Eye of Wisdom doing?
SC_421540_2The Eye of Wisdom does so many things, like the research of knowledge and power, digging for artifacts, recording magical knowledge, just to name a few...\n\nTheses works are all very important to the progress of our society.
SC_421540_3Please tell me the secret mission that you are on.
SC_421540_4My secret mission is, in the name of the Eye of Wisdom, to test the new adventurers that come to these lands and pick the few who are exceptional. I then refer them to the Eye of Wisdom.\n\nBut, I didn't get this mission from grandpa [110243|Marisus]. A person of my skills can of course decide for himself what course of action is best for the Eye of Wisdom.
Sys421540_nameSecret Agent Lola
Sys421540_szquest_accept_detailDo not underestimate me just because I'm a kid!\n\nMy grandpa is [110243|Marisus]. He's the Eye of Wisdom Secretary General so I know lots of secrets! This is also why I am at [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]... I'm on a top secret mission...\n\nDo you want to know what it is? Well, considering that you seem to be talented, I will tell you...
Sys421540_szquest_complete_detailDo you see now?\n\nDon't tell anyone else, I don't want to attract attention. Otherwise everyone will want to try my test. I don't have enough time. I know I will be a very important person when I grow up, but it's such hard work...
Sys421540_szquest_descListen to [111622|Lola] about the secret mission.
Sys421540_szquest_uncomplete_detailListen carefully!