result count: 5

Sys421862_nameThe Hardest Word
Sys421862_szquest_accept_detailArgh!\n\nI really put my foot in it. I thought she was... was...\n\nBut she was really concerned about my safety and I assumed the worst and mocked her. I'm such a jerk!\n\nI was the one in the wrong, but she's the one that sent the peace offering!\n\nThings have come to a pretty pass. Suddenly I don't think I can face her...\n\nReally...\n\nHey! Could you... could you give her this [203729|Rare Gem] for me as payment for the boots? Please!
Sys421862_szquest_complete_detailThat's fine. I'm just glad that it's all been sorted out.\n\nHe just looked so fierce. His brusque, plain-spoken manner tends to scare people away, but in fact he's a good person!
Sys421862_szquest_descTake the [203729|Rare Gem] to the clothes merchant [110762|Ilana] for [112378|Afasa Natto].
Sys421862_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope the boots will calm him down...\n\nI'm always looking at people... I guess it is quite rude...