result count: 10

SC_421922_1It seems that [112343|Louie August] disappeared. Do you have any relevant reports?
SC_421922_2[112343|Louie August] recently asked me about the powers of elements and runes. Could this have anything to do with his disappearance?
SC_421922_3[112343|Louie August]?\n\nIndeed, I haven't recently seen him attend any meetings, I wonder if something happened to him.\n\nI can't believe I guessed right.\n\nRemember, you must keep a low profile!\n\nI'll help your privately find out something about him.
SC_421922_4[112343|Louie August]?\n\nIt seems I haven't seen him much lately, but I recently heard he was searching for something.
SC_421922_5I recently heard him mention that he obtained an ancient text that can restore the honor of his family as well as protect his younger brother. This ancient text was obtained from a sage!
Sys421922_nameLooking for Louie
Sys421922_szquest_accept_detailMaybe big brother's friends will know where he is. Can you help me? Let's split up and find out what his friends know.\n\nHere's a [203923|List] of half of big brother's friends. I'll take care of the other half. We're ready, so let's go!
Sys421922_szquest_complete_detailNo good. These guys couldn't tell me anything.\n\nHow about there with you? Ancient text?...That's it!\n\nThat time an old guy gave us an ancient text and said it was a little gift... I didn't think anything of it.\n\nI never thought big brother would look into it and leave me completely in the dark! Maybe I don't really know my brother that well after all. I guess I just rely on him. What should we do now?
Sys421922_szquest_descAsk the people in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] listed on the [203923|List] that [112346|Phil August] gave you where they think [112343|Louie August] may be.
Sys421922_szquest_uncomplete_detailLet's split up and find out what his friends know.\n\nYou can find the location of his friends on the list I gave you. Thanks, my friend!