result count: 7

SC_422156_0Hello, Master [112850|Belintan]. I am [$PLAYERNAME].
SC_422156_1[$PLAYERNAME]...\n(You notice that Master [112850|Belintan] is staring at you intently.)\nRough, raw stone that you are, I hope that, in the future, you can become a magnificent Elf. May the Power of Nature be with you.
Sys422156_nameGreetings of respect
Sys422156_szquest_accept_detailAnother new student?\nMay the power of nature bless him, I hope it's a student with the right aptitude.\n\nI'm instructor of the Belin school. I'll teach you the history Elves have to know about as well as some magic. In the name of the Holy King, I'll teach you to the best of my abilities.\n\nBefore we start, first go report to the druid, Master [112850|Belintan]. Show respect because you are about to meet a Master of the academy.\n\nWhen you receive the blessings of Master [112850|Belintan] come back here to see me.
Sys422156_szquest_complete_detailLet's start.
Sys422156_szquest_descFind Master [112850|Belintan] on the west side of the lake, get her blessings then return to see Master [112845|Radulov].
Sys422156_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaster [112850|Belintan] is in the hall on the west side of the lake. Show respect and let her know who you are.