result count: 5

Sys422197_nameAn Ancient and Deadly Foe
Sys422197_szquest_accept_detail(This guy is being really cautious.)\n\nShhh! Quiet! Kebabs are great but I don't want to be one!\n\nYou are either the bravest person I've ever met or the stupidest... You do realize you're in a very dangerous place, don't you? I'm only here because I'm following my master's orders...\n\nOh my god! You really don't know anything, do you? I might give away our position by speaking to you, but if I don't tell you about those "guys" you will die for nothing, just like those soldiers did. How about it? You want to hear it? I'll try to keep it short and sweet...
Sys422197_szquest_complete_detail([112625|Layse Ikali] bravely lowers his voice to a whisper.)\n\nNow you've heard it, get out of here! I always get this feeling that there's something watching us from the bushes...
Sys422197_szquest_descListen to [112625|Layse Ikali], the ecology research team member in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], tell a story about Trolls.
Sys422197_szquest_uncomplete_detailShhh! Please don't make me speak any louder than I have to...