result count: 6

SC_422204_0This is a spooky spider altar. Next to it is a pillar sparkling with purple light. Perhaps this is the clue [112625|Layse Ikali] is looking for.
Sys422204_nameAnother Kind of Spider?
Sys422204_szquest_accept_detailI noticed that a lot of Troll totems and banners carry the image of a spider. Maybe they hold the key to this mystery or perhaps not...\n\nAs the spider I am looking for is not to be found around the area of the [ZONE_ROCKSKULL VILLAGE|Hardskull Clan], maybe I will find the answer near the Bloodfang Clan...\n\n(You stare grimly at [112625|Layse Ikali].)\n\nDon't look at me like that! I'm not going to ask you to throw strange objects at them this time. I just want you to enter the [ZONE_BLOODFANG VILLAGE|Bloodfang Clan] and look for any suspicious objects or clues. When you find some, come back. But don't overstay your welcome, OK? My friend...
Sys422204_szquest_complete_detailA spider altar that fills the air with strange vapors? Pillars shimmering with purple light? Are you sure? Could it be...\n\n([112625|Layse Ikali] grabs a book with a dark cover and starts flipping through its pages. You can tell the book is very old.)\n\nI've found it. I see. Everything makes sense now. My god! Friend, we are facing a foe greater than any we have ever faced before...
Sys422204_szquest_descScout out the [ZONE_BLOODFANG VILLAGE|Bloodfang Clan] for [112625|Layse Ikali], the ecology research team member in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and find any clues having to do with spiders.
Sys422204_szquest_uncomplete_detailSpiders... spiders... everywhere...\n\nBut not the one I seek...