result count: 9

SC_422542_0...I want to do something about it.
SC_422542_1I hope that [113231|Palapa's] sin will be cleansed with his death...
SC_422542_2Can I do anything about it? Ah...
SC_422542_3[113231|Palapa]! [113231|Palapa]! Stop! What do you want to do to [113231|Palapa]!
Sys422542_nameIncinerating Sin
Sys422542_szquest_accept_detailIf you can just rekindle the hope that he has lost, [113231|Palapa] won't let the masked people into [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] ever again...\n\nBodos died because of [113231|Palapa's] negligence. [113231|Palapa] doesn't deserve to continue living...\n\nOne last request. Help [113231|Palapa]. Please kill [113231|Palapa]. Could you do that?\nPlease... The Bodos won't do it, and [113231|Palapa] doesn't want them to get the blood of their own people on their hands...
Sys422542_szquest_complete_detailYou killed [113231|Palapa]?\n\n[113231|Palapa] wanted you to do this?\n\nPalapa was a dumb Bodo. A dumb Bodo. I don't see how he could have been so careless and failed us in that way...but I don't see how he has helped anything by dying either...
Sys422542_szquest_descCarry out [113231|Palapa's] request and kill him.
Sys422542_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat does [113231|Palapa] want to do?\n\nDoes he still blame himself?