result count: 9

SC_422565_0You don't need to use this item now.
SC_422565_1Your target isn't a [102219|Giant Ape King]!
SC_422565_2The target is dead.
SC_422565_3The [102219|Giant Ape King] nimbly dodges out of the way. It seems he still remembers that explosives are dangerous.
Sys422565_nameConfronting the Giant Ape King
Sys422565_szquest_accept_detailOw...everything's ready- the explosive is mixed- but my shoulder wound has reopened, dammit!\n\nI planned to deliver this gift to [102219|Giant Ape King] in person...but it looks like I won't be able to make it!\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], I think I need your help!\n\n([113279|Banki Lofit] looks at you sharply, forcing you to nod)\n\nExcellent! Very brave of you! I knew I could rely on you...ow! If it weren't for this wound, I'd lance that cankerous boil myself.\n\nHere. Take this [205425|Explosive]. Use it to sort out that fiendish [102219|Giant Ape King] and retrieve any relevant info from the [113268|Stone Pillar].\n\nIf you're worried, you could always find a few companions to take down the fiendish [102219|Giant Ape King].
Sys422565_szquest_complete_detailYes, well done! I knew you could do it. Next on the agenda...
Sys422565_szquest_descKill the [102219|Giant Ape King], find the message on the [113268|Stone Pillar] behind his body and report back to [113279|Banki Lofit] at [ZONE_APE MOUNTAIN|Ape Mountain].
Sys422565_szquest_uncomplete_detailTake the [205425|Explosive] and defeat the [102219|Giant Ape King]. Once he's dead, you should have no trouble finding the relevant info on the [113268|Stone Pillar].