result count: 9

SC_422572I agree to help you.
SC_422572_1I believe that there is a better way than fighting the Naga.
SC_422572_2This is the most sensible choice!
SC_422572_3Really? What a pity! If you change your mind, come see me at any time. You'll find out that fighting the Naga is the only way.
Sys422572_nameJoining the Battle
Sys422572_szquest_accept_detail(Sigh)...Maybe it was destiny, but everything had been going so well for a thousand years, with our people guarding King [112853|Antaikolon's] final relic, the holy sword Arclight, inside the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]...until the day that uninvited guest arrived and everything went to hell in a hand basket. \n\n(Deeper sigh)... Even the Holy King did not foresee the disaster his royal kin would bring... That royal kinsman drew forth the holy sword and the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] seal began to weaken. Several decades later our people's worst fears were realized when the Naga broke through.\n\nI still remember the terror of that day, seeing row upon row of twisted corpses lying at the base of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. I recall the coiled and writhing bodies of the Naga squeezing through the narrow gap one by one and picking off our warriors as they stood their ground.\n\nThose disgusting, ravenous Naga are the scourge of all life, including you, [$PLAYERNAME]!\n\nNo one will escape unscathed. The moment you step into the [ZONE_SAVAGE LANDS|Savage Lands], the wheel of destiny starts to turn. You have one of two choices: kill the Naga or be killed by the Naga.\n\nIf you don't want to be devoured by Naga, I suggest you join us!
Sys422572_szquest_complete_detailYou've chosen wisely.
Sys422572_szquest_descGive [113274|Arlofled] an answer.
Sys422572_szquest_uncomplete_detailJoin us and fight the Naga!