result count: 5

Sys422874_nameThe Key to Victory
Sys422874_szquest_accept_detailIf the next opponents we come across are monsters, a tough fight is inevitable.\n\nPower has been a temptation for all living things since ancient times. It can tempt directly or through hidden channels... It continuously pulls on primal urges...\n\nMonsters' thirst for it is even stronger and more direct. Since they became able to use runes to alter their bodies and twist their minds, they began to misuse this ability... The war drums are sounding.\n\nThey don't understand... They work against nature. They are unable to use the power of nature but they don't give up plundering...\n\n[102438|Sirloth] is called the "Demon Lord." Forbidden rune power enabled him to construct a magic barrier around himself. He can extract an enemy's deepest fear and turn it into an illusion. Now he's extended his ambitions to the [206389|Stone of Nature].\n\nBreaking through the corrosive effective of fear on your soul and spirit is the first step in confronting him. Once you've found a way to break through his magic barrier, you'll finally be able to contend with him.
Sys422874_szquest_complete_detailYou did it.\n\nActually , [102670|Gestero's] blood is one of the few things that [102438|Sirloth] is afraid of. Since you can defeat [102670|Gestero], opposing that monster shouldn't be too hard.\n\nBut...\n(The half of the [114101|Hermit's] face that can be seen past his hood shows a distressed smile.)\n\nThe dragon son's heart has been taken out. Seems this is the end of one problem and the beginning of another.
Sys422874_szquest_descSearch for a way to overcome the Demon Lord [102438|Sirloth's] magic barrier in [ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano] and give yourself the ability to break through the magic barrier.
Sys422874_szquest_uncomplete_detailFind the weak point of a tenacious opponent, that is the key to victory.