result count: 4

Sys422968_nameIntroduction to the Lionheart Knights
Sys422968_szquest_accept_detailI saw you fighting the Mallen Brothers Gang, and you did ok. With a little training, you could defeat them easily.\n\nThis land is overrun with bandits, and the people are suffering. The Lionheart Knights need new people to work with us.\n\nIf you want to join the Lionheart Knights, you can definitely make a great contribution to the world. Think about it, and I'll be waiting at the [ZONE_DAELANIS_PALACE|Dalanis Grand Palace] for your answer.
Sys422968_szquest_complete_detailYour joining will bring honor to the Lionheart Knights. I want to thank you on behalf of all the people of [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya].\n\n(After [114509|Kai Kaiyinth] finishes speaking, he suddenly turns his head and says something to himself...)\n\n...this should be up to [114512|John Hoffman's] standards, right? sounded very serious...ok, then continue like this!
Sys422968_szquest_descThink about [114532|Kai Kaiyinth's] suggestion, go to the [ZONE_DAELANIS_PALACE|Dalanis Grand Palace] to find him, and join the Lionheart Knights.