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SC_422974_9Don't need to conceal our tracks?
SC_422974_FAILEDMission failed. Please try again
Sys422974_namePeace and Love
Sys422974_szquest_accept_detailLady [114528|Betty Ilun] just mentioned that her only son had to join the Mallen Brothers Gang to survive. It isn't knightly to make a frail mother worry like this.\n\nGreat, my lovely student.\nI've decided to take you to destroy the Mallen Brothers Gang's base that she mentioned and bring her son back!\n\nThis is also your first real mission so you should prepare yourself first. Of course, I mean prepare yourself mentally... Push forth with the passion that we are proud of. Next I'll tell you what to look out for so that all of you get back without having harmed a hair on your heads...
Sys422974_szquest_complete_detailThe first quest has been completed!\n[$PLAYERNAME], I was right, you did a great job!
Sys422974_szquest_descListen to [114529|Kai Kaiyinth's] warnings about what to watch out for on your quest, then destroy the Mallen Brothers Gang base and bring back [114528|Betty Ilun's] son.
Sys422974_szquest_uncomplete_detailPassion and perseverance allows us to overcome all obstacles. Bring back Lady [114528|Betty Ilun's] son!

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