result count: 7

SC_423016_0I am ready.
SC_423016_1Then I'll take you to see "our" people.
Sys423016_nameFractured Verge
Sys423016_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME] "We" have been watching you for sometime.\n\nYou should know that you possess the "Blood of the Oracles." But of these people only a few are able to sharpen their abilities the way you've done. Only a handful of you exist throughout the world. If it wasn't for this, we wouldn't have been able to find you.\n\nAs for who "we" are, for that information you must wait until the time is right and then come back to see me.
Sys423016_szquest_complete_detailOh? [$PLAYERNAME]. I have been waiting for you.\n\nUs Dragons have a little something to talk to you about, but the fewer people that know, the better. That is why we are meeting with you in such a manner. If I were standing outside, you probably wouldn't have been able to come forward to me, right?
Sys423016_szquest_descAsk [114670|Mysterious Torrog] about who "they" are.
Sys423016_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you prepared? [$PLAYERNAME]