result count: 5

Sys423746_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME]? Great,'s really good to see a living person.\n\nI originally thought we'd taken out the enemy's base...but it was a trap...the plants inside suddenly charged, and before my army could regroup, they were attacking. A lot of people died inside...only a few escaped...and I was injured...\n\nAs I escaped, I realized that these spirits have banded together, and I'm afraid their next move will be to attack our temporary base...I can't wait for that. Please! You must delay them. If you can kill some of the Entlings and Bolmu, I think it will interrupt their plan.
Sys423746_szquest_complete_detailThank you. Thank you for stopping these spirits and thank you for avenging my comrades...\n\nBut they are still assembling, and the crisis hasn't been averted. I'll stay here and continue to observe. Please continue to exterminate them!
Sys423746_szquest_descKill plant spirits in the area.
Sys423746_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm sorry...I'm too weak...