result count: 8

SC_423923_01You're the one who was just here. Did Menk tell you to come back?\r\n\r\nNo?\r\n\r\nOh, you say Menk is really sad? And he doesn't know what he did wrong?\r\n\r\n...I know. He never gets what the problem is, even when I give really clear hints.
SC_423923_02Why were you so angry a moment ago?
SC_423923_03I really don't want to get upset with him, it's only that I'm worried. In our clan, once a woman completes the weaving of a cloth on her own, it indicates that she's reached the stage of womanhood. Parents will start aggressively helping to find a suitable spouse. There have already been several families who've met with my father to discuss marriage, one of which is to my father's liking. \n\nBut I know that if the person I love were to propose marriage, my father would respect my wishes.\n\nBut, I'm so worried! Menk still hasn't done anything. He really doesn't grasp the urgency of the situation. He just doesn't comprehend its importance! It makes me so angry!\n\nBut... Why have you come here?
SC_423923_04Give the necklace to Azifulan
Sys423923_nameWorried Azifulan
Sys423923_szquest_accept_detail([117397|Menk Virtulos] is crestfallen.)\n\nWhat's the problem? I don't understand. What did I do wrong? Did [117396|Azifulan] not like the necklace? Argh... I feel like my heart has been shattered.\n\nSince [117396|Azifulan] doesn't want it, why don't you take it. After all, the larger part of making it was due to your efforts...\n\n(You take the necklace, but feel it would still be better to give it to [117396|Azifulan].)
Sys423923_szquest_complete_detailUgh... Menk is such an idiot...
Sys423923_szquest_descGive the necklace to [117396|Azifulan].