result count: 9

SC_425072_0Now! Grab your hammer!
SC_425072_1Grab your hammer! The warriors of [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] are coming!
SC_425072_2Now! Grab your pliers!
SC_425072_3Grab your pliers! Pull the rust bugs' teeth!
Sys425072_nameHere Comes the Rain!
Sys425072_szquest_accept_detailIs this [$playername]? Ha, another old friend has awakened! Blessings of [SC_Z31_NPC_00|Asomanson]! You look good!\n\nI've been working hard lately to rebuild these old buildings! This iron gate should be the last item on the list!\n\nDon't underestimate these iron gates. Behind them is the passageway to where the digger orcs live. I wonder why the digger orcs didn't come take back their territory when everyone was petrified, but...I guess...maybe they're too afraid of [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock], ha ha ha.\n\nBut just in case, I need to repair these big iron gates. You're not rusty, are you? Come help out and let me take break!
Sys425072_szquest_complete_detailWhew! Thank you, old friend! I can finally rest! These days have been exhausting!
Sys425072_szquest_descHelp [120240|Valent Blackscar] repair the iron gate.
Sys425072_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou look a little rusty. Consider it exercise and try a few more times!