result count: 5

Sys425292_szquest_accept_detailThe stuff that the [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] uses is completely fenced off. We can't get anywhere near it. You can't just call dibs on resources like that. It's not right.\n\nLet's do a trade. Bring me back something valuable I can sell or my journey here will have been a complete waste of time. How get me some dragon bones? It doesn't have to be real True Dragon Bone, but at least some [<S>241296|Wyrm Bones] from the Poison Dragons...
Sys425292_szquest_complete_detailDon't worry about getting any more... These just need a bit of work and customers will be flocking to my door.
Sys425292_szquest_descGet some Poison Dragon [<S>241296|Wyrm Bones] for [120717|Tanya Vivey].
Sys425292_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe wingspan of the Poison Dragon is not important. Just bring me back some dragon bones.