result count: 5

Sys425539_nameEat Well to Get Well I
Sys425539_szquest_accept_detailThe men are seriously injured and have to recover for a while in the village. But we're too many, and we can't always ask the villagers to supply us all. Besides, are there any Alliance soldiers who don't love meat and booze? The villagers' food is rather light. Let them have some hearty meat to improve their health!\n\nIs light food best for recuperation? Well, the basic principle of the battlefield is 'Eat Well to Get Well', but hey, I can't go hunting here. I want to at least prepare simple food for everybody, like a barbeque. My superior entrusted me with these men, so I have to take care of them before I send them back. You in your position should know how I feel, right? If you do, hunt a couple of [<S>107105|Sugon Armored Beasts] for me and bring back the [<S>242050|Armored Beast Tripe], will you? Currently you're the only one left who can be entrusted to do it!
Sys425539_szquest_complete_detailHey, now watch my performance! I am sure the injured will all get up, desperate to taste the food, as soon as they smell the rich flavor I will create with my barbeque skills!
Sys425539_szquest_desc[121585|Weybott Stohan] wants to make a barbeque for the Alliance soldiers to improve their health. Collect 10 [<S>242050|Armored Beast Tripe] for him.
Sys425539_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo long as the meat is not charred and black as a piece of coal, the barbeque has been a success.