result count: 29

SC_425637_1Please excuse me. Do you know someone named [121220|Kargath Duran]?
SC_425637_10All right, let me tell you the story...
SC_425637_11Thousands of years ago, we could see numerous magnificent buildings made of the runes. The rune technology had reached a peak at that time. But later the technological competition among the countries led them to hostility and endless wars. \n\nWe've also been under attack several times, but because of the brave and powerful King Dayson, we had been able to carry on living a peaceful life.\n\nUntil one day, a prophet came...
SC_425637_12A prophet?
SC_425637_13Yes. He told the king that our country would perish. At that time we all thought that he was only talking nonsense. But King Dayson took the warning very seriously. He let the court mage [106812|Sair] gather a great number of rune scholars to build a great barrier for the kingdom. Underneath the barrier's protective shield we could indeed escape heaven's wrath. The king's foresight saved us and the great majority of the kingdom's dwellers. So we owe our lives to His Majesty King Dayson!\n\nHowever ... fate would not let us off the hook so easily ...
SC_425637_14What happened?
SC_425637_15The prophet told the king that his only child, his daughter, would die after only two years. The king, who had already lost his one true love, couldn't bear to lose a loved one again. So he decided regardless of the consequences to have the court mage [106812|Sair] summon monsters from the other side to stop the time flow. He wanted to prolong the remaining two years of life the princess had until they could find a way to save her life.\n\nBut [106812|Sair] found that these monsters hungered for more power and he sent off the people that had survived and used the barrier to seal the castle so these evil monsters could not escape ... He imprisoned them in the castle.\n\nWe are the survivors.
SC_425637_16Can you tell me what this light-emitting object on your shoulder is?
SC_425637_17This device monitors the curse that is laid on us. When the power of the curse increases it will change its color from blue to yellow. When the power reaches a critical amount it will turn red. That is when we have to enter a long sleeping stage. But that is not all. The energy of this curse does attract those monsters. If we cannot fend them off, they take control over us and we will become their slaves.
SC_425637_18A curse?
SC_425637_19These monsters have the power to stop the time flow in us which is why we do not get old and die.\n\nAt first we thought that we were lucky not to die, but as time has passed we found that it is rather a huge nightmare. This curse has taken our future!
SC_425637_2[121220|Kargath Duran]? I have to check if there is any record about this man.
SC_425637_20What does that mean?
SC_425637_21Did you see any child in this village? No, because our time has been seized away... We've been in this state for a thousand years. We are not able to bear children, and the babies in the village were not able to grow up although they kept gaining more and more knowledge. Later they could not bear this any longer and chose to stop being a burden to us ... they left this world ... the pain this left us in is beyond any words.\n\nThis is why all this time we only wanted to find a way to get rid of this curse. But until this very day we have no clue how ...
SC_425637_3Indeed. But do you believe that this man has lived for more than a thousand years?
SC_425637_4Why should this be so astonishing? All the people in our village do have a life span of more than a thousand years.
SC_425637_6Yes, but our a bit long. You really want to hear it?
SC_425637_7Ah, forget about it.
SC_425637_9Oh, never mind. It would have taken me too much time anyway to finish the story ... Although time is the one thing I really have too much of.
SC_425637_AWho is he? I've never heard of him before.
SC_425637_B[121220|Kargath Duran]? I heard this name somewhere a long time ago, but now I don't remember.
SC_425637_CI'm not interested in people that don't belong to our village.
Sys425637_nameDiffuse Memory
Sys425637_szquest_accept_detailHey, [$Playername]! Come here, quickly!\n(Kargath is waving at you furtively.)\n\nI would like to ask you for a favor! should I put it? I have the vague impression that I've been here before, but...I am really not sure! Ugh. You know, I am such a heroic and handsome guy, but there is no guarantee that I haven't done anything bad here before. If I have, I'd be too embarrassed to stay here!\n\nSo...can you help me find that out? It would also be a way for you to get some intelligence about this place.
Sys425637_szquest_complete_detailGood to know I didn't do anything bad here... Um... I mean, of course I didn't do anything bad here! Haha!\n\nBut frankly speaking, I haven't met anybody around my age for...ages! It feels really wonderful!
Sys425637_szquest_descGather information about the village.
Sys425637_szquest_uncomplete_detailStrange, I really think something's gotten lost.