result count: 6

SC_Q426290_00[$playername]! I will take care of the investigation work in the air!
Sys426290_nameA Blanket Search
Sys426290_szquest_accept_detailYou've come just at the right time! I'm investigating a few areas with peculiar elemental energy. Just ahead there are a few places covered by forest that have aroused my suspicion. \n\nI've already placed <CY>Marker Runes</CY> in the suspect areas. I need you to go to those areas and conduct on-the-ground surveillance. I'll continue to stake out areas of interest.\n\nRight, If you don't have any questions, it's time to get going! I'll be waiting for you on the other end of the forest.
Sys426290_szquest_complete_detailI believe that the high-density elemental transmissions issuing from the forest indicate that this area received a large elemental blast at one time or another. However, it seems that the source is not here. \n\nThis means <CY>Kargath</CY> and <CY>Will's representative</CY> will have to be on high alert!
Sys426290_szquest_descHead to the [122595|Marking Rune in North Forest], [122596|Marking Rune in Middle Forest], and the [122597|Marking Rune in South Forest] to carry out surveillance.
Sys426290_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou've really surveyed all the areas of interest?\n\nDon't forget! <CY>Dark Dragon</CY> is one crafty beast!