result count: 5

Sys426454_nameEven Pirates Can Be Poor
Sys426454_szquest_accept_detailOh, my pelt-purloining pirate hero! You've come at just the right time... \n\n([122812|Toba Hookclaw] seems like he wants to confide in you but is unsure how to start.)\n\nI think I'd like to give up trading here in the [ZONE_MUCKGALE_PORT_MALTA_CARA|Muckgale Port]. But my family is very poor. And I have two older gentleman at home for whom I must care and my wife is at her wits end. And then six young children, all of them with incredible appetites. So I don't have any choice but to continue trying my luck here in the [ZONE_MUCKGALE_PORT_MALTA_CARA|Muckgale Port]. If you'd like, you could scare up a couple of [<S>242956|Gulo Pelts] for me. Then I could at least attend to the most pressing matters. I'd be very grateful. \n\nBut remember: I need complete, high-quality pelts! The slightest flaw and they'll be worthless!
Sys426454_szquest_complete_detailOh, you pelt-hunting pirate hero! You're a shining beacon of hope for my family. What a wonderful [242956|Gulo Pelt]! It will be worth a lot of money. \n\n([122812|Toba Hookclaw] puts the [242956|Gulo Pelt] away carefully...)
Sys426454_szquest_descBring some [<S>242956|Gulo Pelts] to [122812|Toba Hookclaw] for a small reward.
Sys426454_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh no, oh no...I'm really in a bind... \n\n(As soon as [122812|Toba Hookclaw] notices you, he pinches his leg, hard, promptly producing the desired pain, and the desired tears...)