result count: 9

SC_Z27Q426462_01Here are the 10 pelts.
SC_Z27Q426462_02[122849|Nikola Barli] sends a message to the People of the Scarlet Blaze. It's a gesture of special significance.
SC_Z27Q426462_03Nikalo, have you finally passed the test?
SC_Z27Q426462_04I see some unfamiliar faces. Are you our new members?
Sys426462_nameGuardian of Secrets
Sys426462_szquest_accept_detailThe clues to the hidden treasure are in the hands of the People of the Scarlet Blaze. They'll give us the clues, but only if we're victorious in one of their competitions. To win we'll have to bring 10 [<S>242948|Tiger-print Pelts] to [122850|Yimu] faster than all the others. I've tried often but failed every time. Is there anyone among you who feels up to the challenge?
Sys426462_szquest_complete_detailAt last! Success! Hahaha! And the clues to the treasure? We'll share them won't we? Your half was the work, my half was the success! That's what they call division of labor, my friends. Don't tell me that's news to you...
Sys426462_szquest_descFind [<S>107902|Stone Claws] and collect 10 [<S>242948|Tiger-print Pelts] within 5 minutes, then bring them to [122850|Yimu].
Sys426462_szquest_uncomplete_detailImpossible?! Impossible! I was so certain that you would succeed!