result count: 6

SC_426605_0Hey, [$playername], over here!
Sys426605_nameAiding the Retreat
Sys426605_szquest_accept_detail[$playername]! I don't have a clue what happened...the natives just attacked us from the bushes! A good thing [123056|Vargo Ironhand] reacted when he did. With his battle-hardened comrades he was able to drive these savages behind this wall. I beg you, could you help us?\n\n(You seem to be able to hear [123054|Jessie Pacquard's] whispering.)\n(I hope we haven't encroached on your territory. Fortunately we pitched our camp outside the ruins...)
Sys426605_szquest_complete_detailHeavens be praised for your help! We've never experienced an attack of such ferocity from these barbarians before!\n\nThey are presumably Scarlet Blaze people. They're not only stronger than the barbarians of the Wailing Fjord, they also carry more powerful weapons, the likes of which I've never seen before, with a much greater range.
Sys426605_szquest_descHelp [123056|Vargo Ironhand] to drive back the invading enemies.
Sys426605_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe on your guard. There are bound to be further attacks!