result count: 11

SC_Z30_Q426988_01You've prepared the [243179|Primal Runal Liquid].
SC_Z30_Q426988_02This flask with its mysterious solution needs investigating. Don't play around with it!
SC_Z30_Q426988_03You already have the [509937|Pseudo-Liquid] in your hand.
SC_Z30_Q426988_04You delicately take the [506230|Flask].
SC_Z30_Q426988_05You take the [507224|Yellow Liquid]...
SC_Z30_Q426988_06You absorb the [507225|Cloudy Liquid]...
Sys426988_nameMixing Ratios
Sys426988_szquest_accept_detail(You report to [123561|Jenn Shadoli] that [122572|Dan Louer] desperately needs [243179|Primal Runal Liquid]...)\n\n[243179|Primal Runal Liquid]? I'd have brought him that ages ago if making it weren't so unbelievably fiddly! You only need to get one step wrong and the whole thing is ruined. Would you like to give it a go?\n\nFirst you'll need a [123368|Flask] and a bit of [123369|Yellow Liquid]. This you turn into a [123368|flask] of [509937|Pseudo-Liquid]. If you then mix the [509937|Pseudo-Liquid] with [123508|Cloudy Liquid] together, you'll get the [243179|Primal Runal Liquid]. But the whole thing needs to be done really quickly, otherwise the reaction won't work.
Sys426988_szquest_complete_detailFirst Mate, you've managed it!\n\nQuick, take the [548858|Prepare Primal Runal Liquid.] and give it to [122572|Dan Louer].
Sys426988_szquest_descClick on the materials on the table. Each time you only have <CS>10 seconds</CS> to mix the ingredients together and create [243179|Primal Runal Liquid].\n\nMixing sequence:\n[123368|Flask]+[123369|Yellow Liquid]=[509937|Pseudo-Liquid]\n[509937|Pseudo-Liquid]+[123508|Cloudy Liquid]=[243179|Primal Runal Liquid]
Sys426988_szquest_uncomplete_detailFirst Mate, it's really complicated, don't you find?