result count: 16

SC_Z34_Q427357_01Are you the person the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] put in charge?
SC_Z34_Q427357_02Well, there goes my retirement. Who'd have thought the Holy City would suffer such a catastrophe.
SC_Z34_Q427357_03What happened to asking the Holy City for help...
SC_Z34_Q427357_04I'll inform the heads of the two families about the current situation. Since we've lost all contact to the Holy City, you'll have to put your mission on ice. This business with the Holy City needs to be dealt with first.
SC_Z34_Q427357_05More information about the rift by the Mularan Barrage.
SC_Z34_Q427357_06According to the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom's] investigations, the appearance of the <CY>rift by the Mularan Barrage</CY> is no accident. It would appear that it was caused by a wave of <CY>powerful runic energy</CY>, which built up over a longer period of time.\n\nIt is only conceivable that energy of that magnitude could build up in a place previously untouched by civilization, though quite why the rift appeared in the densely populated Holy City is unclear.\n\nNevertheless, the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] assumes that the runic energy must have something to do with <CY>spatial magic</CY>, which is why they've requested the help of [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] in their investigations. They're specialists in this field.
SC_Z34_Q427357_07What have [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] managed to discover about the rift?
SC_Z34_Q427357_08We've already carried out a study of the location of the <CY>Mularan Rift</CY>, and our results are astonishing.\n\nIt seems the origins of this rift lie somewhere among the <CY>[ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]</CY> in Kolydia's southernmost extremity. But how is that possible? That's unprecedented!\n\nIf there really is a <CY>spatial rune</CY> containing such immense energy within it, and someone is using it, that can only mean the Mularan Rift is just the beginning. We can expect many more rifts appearing all over <CY>Taborea</CY> – large and small.\n\nIt's for this reason that Master Aydan called the <CY>[HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance]</CY> into being and is now following a specific plan.
SC_Z34_Q427357_09What is the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] plan?
SC_Z34_Q427357_10We have good reason to believe that a forbidden rune has ended up in the wrong hands. In the name of the <CY>Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild</CY>, that's why I asked the <CY>[WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom]</CY> and <CY>[SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community]</CY> for help in defeating this evil. Working together as the <CY>[HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance]</CY>, we wish to restore order to Taborea. Some people need to go to the <CY>[ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]</CY>, where this evil has originated, and carry out initial investigations.\n\nYou're the hero who successfully stood by the people of [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Splitwater Coast] and the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan], making you absolutely perfect for this mission. Show us your bravery and come with us to the [ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]. We must defend Taborea from almost certain demise.
SC_Z34_Q427357_11Rescue Taborea? It would be an honor!
SC_Z34_Q427357_12Excellent! The path before us will be long and hard, but I'm sure we will be victorious in our endeavors!\n\n[SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community] have already set up an <CY>Emergency Transport Portal</CY> which we can use to get to the [ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]. Just tell [124159|Arlya] when you're ready, and she'll make all the necessary preparations on the transport portal for you.
Sys427357_nameAll Quiet in the Holy City?
Sys427357_szquest_accept_detailA huge <CY>spacial rift</CY> has opened up at the <CY>Mularan Barrage</CY>, that gateway to the Holy City. The <CY>[WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom]</CY> have issued warnings not to approach the rift, leaving the Holy City cut off from the outside world. I'm afraid there's absolutely no way for you to complete your quest.\n\nIncidentally, the people of the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] are gathering in front of the Mularan Barrage. If you want to find out more, you could talk to the person in charge there. Take it up with <CY>[124157|Aydan Highlander]</CY>.
Sys427357_szquest_complete_detailAre you [$playername]?\n\nWelcome, welcome! Well, well, well. The hero of the [ZONE_Z32_SPLITWATER|Splitwater Coast] and the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan] before my very eyes! It's a dream come true!
Sys427357_szquest_descHead to the area in front of the <CY>Mularan Barrage</CY> and ask [124157|Aydan Highlander] about what has happened in the Holy City!