result count: 5

Sys427697_nameA Whisper in the Ear
Sys427697_szquest_accept_detailDid you hear those voices?\n\nIt's like someone whispering in your ear, only it's wailing or some kind of whining...\n\nWhat, you didn't hear anything?\n\nMy comrades said the same. It seems like I'm the only one who can hear them...\n\nOnce, when I turned around really quickly, I saw a kind of shadow there that was emanating a purple glow... Later I discovered that there were more and more of these shadows on the [ZONE_SCARLET_PATHWAY|Scarlet Pass]. And I started hearing more and more voices too. I wonder if there's a connection...\n\nAnyway, these voices are still driving me crazy. Please eliminate a few of the [109656|Scarlet Pass Shadows]. Maybe then my ears will enjoy a little more peace and quiet.
Sys427697_szquest_complete_detailAh... uh... well... the whispering in my ears has actually abated a bit, a tiny, little bit...\n\nOkay, so that means I can at least relax a little bit. Thank you for doing that for me.
Sys427697_szquest_descFree [124555|Mimo Kes], the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] scout from the [ZONE_SCARLET_PATHWAY|Scarlet Pass], from his torment. Eliminate a few [109656|Scarlet Pass Shadows] so that he hears fewer voices.
Sys427697_szquest_uncomplete_detailThese voices are still driving me crazy. Please eliminate a few of the [109656|Scarlet Pass Shadows]. Maybe then my ears will enjoy a little more peace and quiet.