result count: 4

Sys427705_nameA Familiar Key?
Sys427705_szquest_accept_detailYou took this [243532|Key] from [109084|Karver Shattertooth], the commander of the Canine Bandits in Warehouse No. 4. Its shiny appearance suggests that the key is still in use. Perhaps it has something to do with the bandits' legendary [243518|Treasure].\n\nDo you remember [124539|Pacy Packs]? Give her this [243532|key]. Maybe it'll open the Treasure Chest that you recently found in the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch].
Sys427705_szquest_complete_detailGreat, so there actually is a [243532|Key]. Where did you get it...? Ah, from the commander of the bandits, so they have a leader... but whatever. Let's open the Treasure Chest!\n\n([124539|Pacy Packs] opens the Treasure Chest. Inside there is a nautical chart and a talisman.)\n\nHuh...? Just a nautical chart and a talisman? An island is shown on the nautical chart. Now I'm no sailor so I can't read the map... So my only option is to analyze it bit by bit. Please take the talisman. Perhaps it'll grant you additional strength.\n\nOne puzzle after another. There doesn't seem to be an end to these puzzles. How about we continue our cooperation next time?
Sys427705_szquest_descTake this [243532|Key] to [124539|Pacy Packs], the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] scout. Perhaps she can use it to open the [243518|Treasure] you found in the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch].