result count: 6

SC_MUSIC427913_1You've attracted some Little Note Fairies!
Sys427913_nameLittle Note Fairy
Sys427913_szquest_accept_detailSay, do you know the [124878|Little Note Fairies]? No? Well, that shouldn't surprise me. I always have to remind myself that not everyone has the benefit of such a pronounced intellect as myself.\n\nWhat's that you say? You DO know them? Ah, excellent.\n\nI've thought long and hard about how I can make this Centennial Concert really stand out in people's memories. As you can perhaps imagine, I'm going to need the [124878|Little Note Fairies'] help. And that's where you come in.\n\nHave you seen the [124877|Musical Magic Circles] I've set up? \nWe only need to place certain items in the [124877|circles] to attract the fairies. Simple enough, eh?
Sys427913_szquest_complete_detailSay... the [124878|Little Note Fairies] didn't attack you as well, did they? How rude. I only held them by the wings, and they started kicking me! Doubtless jealous of my charming good looks. \n\nEither way, the main thing is we've caught them.
Sys427913_szquest_desc[124836|Todd Joyce] has rounded together some items which the [124878|Little Note Fairies] are fond of. He now wants you to take them to [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] and place them in the [124877|Musical Magic Circles] to attract the fairies, so he can make them take part in the concert!
Sys427913_szquest_uncomplete_detailPardon me? One of my other servan... err... that is, one of my other helpers, told me what these little fairies like. A whole potpourri of weird and wonderful things, like [124872|Pearls of the Night], [124873|Mysterious Conches], [124874|Cough Drops], [124875|Pink Carnations] and [124876|Crystal Dew].