result count: 8

SC_427916_0I'm going to tell on you!
SC_427916_1Wait a minute! There's a solution for everything! Please don't! Here, have a small Music Festival gift!
SC_427916_2Psst! I have something for you. Here, this fairy...
Sys427916_nameTop Secret
Sys427916_szquest_accept_detailAlright, fine, I'll come clean. Yes, I've kidnapped a few [124878|Little Note Fairies] to make sure this concert is a success.\n\nThey can make music more lively, and they can even correct false notes on the fly... I have to admit, music has always been something of a mystery to me. I simply don't have a talent for it. \n\nIt must sound mad to you, that a person without a musical bone in his body should want to organize a concert. But it's just not fair! How can someone with such absolutely faultless taste in all other avenues of life be so bad at judging whether a piece of music is up to scratch? \n\nWell, with the [124878|Little Note Fairies], I needn't worry about a thing: the concert is guaranteed to be a rip-roaring success!
Sys427916_szquest_complete_detailBut listen... you're the only person who knows. Nobody else should find out about it, understood?!
Sys427916_szquest_desc[124836|Todd Joyce] knows that you've learned of his plans. Listen to [549851|his explanation] and find out what else he has to say.
Sys427916_szquest_uncomplete_detailExcuse me? Fine, I realize I can't convince you with just a few sentences.